Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I am getting a little too vulgar lately. But oh well Heck.
I am thinking i have too many activities for my own good.
And seriously I really wana shout out to those people like this cute lil ah ma. HAHA!

oh yea, By the way..
Do not fucking call me next monday, tuesday and wednesday(morning)
k, except my dear friends and family :) Heh!
But if it's for work. Fuck off. Seriously.
If one day I take a trip to somewhere and off my phone and all contacts.
I guess the world will still go round and continue without me
So Why do I still think that i am indispensable?

I should do that, cut off ties from you you you and the uncle over there.

So if tomorrow or one day you call, and I dont pick up
and 24 hours later I dont call you.
Just continue my job for me ok?

Damn,this is gay.

But teriously!
Im needing another break and a crash course to familiar myself
with the word ORGANISE. and PLANNER.
And stick to a SCHEDULE. I should be God..i mean, Good.

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